Advent at Alveston


4th December 2023

This week, Christmas preparations are in full swing at school. Over the weekend, elves came in and erected a beautifully decorated tree in the hall and trees on the playground. Some elves have even stayed around in classes to keep a watch on the children. Our nativity scene stands proudly in the entrance hall to remind us all of the first Christmas story.
On Monday morning, Rev. Linda joined us and we started our Collective Worship in the dark singing Silent Night. All adults in school came in too so that everyone could enjoy the lights from the Christmas tree and from our worship candles. We lit the first candle on our advent wreath - the candle representing hope. We discussed how the circular wreath represents the eternal nature of God and how the green branches reflect continuous life and the constant love of God. Next week, we are looking forward to lighting our second candle - peace.
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