Alveston Owls - Wraparound Care

Alveston Owls Wraparound Care will open on 4th September 2024 and will run every week during term time including the first and last weeks of term (except on INSET days). Alveston Owls provides breakfast and after school wraparound care for children in Reception through to Year 6.
Whilst we do currently have spaces, we recommend to guarantee your bookings, you do so as quickly as you can and in as much advance as you can. We do not envisage there being a problem and as sessions become more popular, which we do hope they do, we will increase the staffing accordingly.

Please do email, call or grab us at the gate, if you would like any further information about Alveston Owls.  

Booking Places
Places at Alveston Owls Wraparound Care can be booked via the ParentPay website or app.
Please follow the link here for support with  the new booking system for the wraparound care on ParentPay.


We have structured our price to include a breakfast or light tea for those staying later. Those children who choose to have something to eat will have a little extra for their money and those who don’t eat are therefore not paying for something they do not have.

Pricing Structures

  • Contracted: Charge for families who would like to secure their sessions. Sessions must be booked the half term before. E.g. families book the sessions they require for Autumn 1 in Summer 2.
  • Flexi: Charge for booking within a term, before the session required.











7.45am – 8.45am




After School


3.15pm – 4.30pm




After School


3.15pm – 6.00pm




Payment will be made when booking sessions on the ParentPay App.

We are currently applying to be able to accept most child care vouchers. We will add whichever vouchers are required by parents.

Universal Credit childcare costs: If you're on Universal Credit and in work, you can use its childcare entitlement to pay for some of your childcare costs while you go to work. Eligible parents may be able to claim back some childcare costs.

Guidance on Universal Credit childcare can be found here:  


Alveston Owls is not a club, it is wraparound care. However, for children who have booked to attend an Alveston Teacher Led Club, we will credit ParentPay accounts with the Teacher Led Club fee for one club per half term, if the club clashes with your wraparound care booking.
From September 2024
Breakfast Club

o   7.45am to 8.45am

o   Children can be dropped off at any time from 7.45am

o   A choice of cereals, toast with spreads and fresh fruit will be available

o   Food will not be served after 8.30am

From September 2024
After School Care

o   Session 1: 3.15pm to 4.30pm, or

o   Session 2: 3.15pm to 6.00pm

o   Children may be picked up at any point within their session

o   A light, self-service cold tea will be provided to children between 4.30pm and 5.15pm

o   Children will self-select from a choice of crudités, sandwich fillings, fresh fruit and ice cream

Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award