Newsletter 09.09.22


9th September 2022

We have had the most wonderful week, welcoming all our children into school. Our children from the oldest to our youngest, have settled into school beautifully! Although we were a bit rusty with our routines, and we were all exhausted by Friday evening, it was a brilliant start to the year.

The news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II was the saddest news for us all. In our Collective Worship however, we celebrated her life and her service to our nation and Commonwealth. We remembered the joy of our Jubilee celebration and how lucky we were to thank the Queen for her 70 year reign. We also shared some exciting news about the Queen, which we share with you below!

Whilst this is a sad time for our nation, the Queen was a wonderful example to us all, shining brightly throughout her life. We are looking forward to the year ahead and to shining just as brightly together once again.

Anne Clewley

Head Teacher

PS Sorry! This newsletter is a little longer than usual, but there is so much to tell you! Please read it all to ensure you do not miss important information regarding for example how we will communicate going forward and invitations to join us in school. Thank you. 

The Best Post Ever!
Queen Elizabeth II was working right up until the end. Not only was she meeting Boris Johnson and Liz Truss this week, she was also instructing her Lady in Waiting to write a letter to the pupils at Alveston C of E Primary. Written on 3rd September and posted on Monday 5th, the Queen took the time to ensure she thanked our children for their kind wishes and the invitation to our school ‘Jubilee Celebration for the Generations’.

The letter was in response to the invitation sent by last year’s Reception Class (our current Year 1s) on behalf of the school. We were absolutely delighted to receive a response and to share it with our children on Friday. What a wonderful memory for all our children!

Stars of the Week!
Everyone! Super start to the academic year Alveston! Good Job!
House Point Cup Winners
Congratulations to Othello Yellows!
Welcome Reception!
This week we welcomed our newest and youngest children to Alveston. The whole school has been tickled pink to have them in school! All the children have been amazing and we are looking forward to seeing them all full time next week!
Welcome too to all our brand new families. We are looking forward to getting to know you better and working with you over the next seven years!
Baby News!

This summer Alveston has welcomed the safe arrival of not one baby, but two! Our first arrival was Millie. Daughter to Miss Griffiths, Millie was born on 27th July weighing 8lbs 10. Our second baby, Master Clowrey was born this week, on 6th September, weighing 8lbs 6.

Both mothers and babies are doing well. Congratulations to you both!

Invitations into School - at last!

We are delighted that now the worst of the COVID pandemic is behind us, we will be able to invite parents back into school more frequently. Here are some of the invitations we have planned:

Meet the Teacher Meetings

For the last two years we have had to introduce our teachers via a recorded message on Seesaw. However this year, we are delighted to be back face to face! We would like to invite all parents to join us in school during the evening of Tuesday 27th September. We will send an event sheet next week with more details, however in the meantime the class meeting times are as follows:

  • 5.00pm: Years1, 2, 4 and 5
  • 6.00pm Reception, Years 3 and 6.

Celebration Assemblies

Parents will once again be invited to join our Celebration Assemblies when their child is Star of the Week, or is awarded the Half Term Cup. Our first Celebration Assembly will be held on Friday 23rd September. If your child is the Star of the Week, you will be notified the Friday prior to the assembly. For children receiving their Star of the Week on 23rd September, parent invites will be sent on Friday 16th September. Remember we like to keep it a surprise for the children - so mum's the word!

Learning Together Time

Learning Together Time (LTT) is back! Once each term we will invite all our parents to join their child in a lesson to share the learning together. If you have more than one child, you can move between the classrooms. In the autumn and spring terms we will have this lesson at 2pm. This will help our children get used to having you in the classroom again and if any child is a little emotional, they know they will be going home with parents at the end of the lesson. In the summer term, when children will be more settled to wave goodbye to their parents and carry on with their learning, we will do a lesson at the very start of the day . Our first LTT will be Thursday 13th October at 2pm. An event sheet with more information will follow soon.

Services at St James'

Later this term, we will also share more information regarding our services at St James' Church. For now, we are excited to announce our first church service will be for the Harvest Festival on Tuesday 18th October at 2.00pm. It will be wonderful to fill the church once more and to spend more time with Reverend Linda.


Over the autumn term, now we are fully back to normal, we will be working to improve our communication channels. Please follow this link for more information about how you can contact us and how we will share information with you.

Cost of Living Consideration
With the rising living costs in the UK, families will need to be mindful of their finances. We wanted to share some of the things we are currently working on in school to ensure we do all we can to limit additional costs for your family. Follow the link below to find out more.

Parking at Drop Off and Pick Up

We are so lucky at Alveston that the Football Club allow all our parents who drive to school to use their carpark for drop off and pick up. This makes it safer for all our children. Please continue to use the Football Club car park. Please do not park on Knights Lane or Oak Road for pick up or drops offs.

The car park is safer for pedestrians as well as families loading and unloading into cars. Parents have reported an increase in cars parked on Oak Road and many cars have parked on double yellow lines. Please be considerate to the safety of all. Thank you.


French (KS1) Club
French (KS1)  club for September have been announced.  Please visit our website by clicking here for more information.  Please contact Madame Pillon directly to book. 


Music lessons in school

If you are interested in music lessons, please click here.  Warwickshire Music have opened their waiting lists for: Piano, Violin, Oboe, Flute, Clarinet, Tenoroon/bassoon, Cello, Viola and Guitar (age restrictions apply to some instruments.  Contact Warwickshire Music directly for more information or to sign up: , or visit our website clicking here

Lunch menus for September
New lunch menus have been released for September lunches, please click here to view.

Coronavirus within school

If your child tests positive for coronavirus, or has one or more of: temperature, continuous cough, loss of sense of smell or taste please keep them off school for a minimum of three days or until they are better after three days.  Please report all absences to the school office as below.


Sickness and Absence

Please let the school office know each day your child is absent from school by calling 01789 293412 and leaving a message.  You may also email You do not need to contact us daily If your child is sick, absences for sickness will be recorded 48 hours from the end of the day your child was last sick (i.e. If sick on Sunday, come back on Wednesday; if Tuesday come back on Friday) nor for COVID absences.  


Medicines in School

We cannot accept medicines in school without a prescription label and a medical form completed by a parent or carer.  Please ask the school office for more information and/or a form:  


Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs 

If you are interested in more information or signing up to Fitt4Kids before and after school clubs, please contact Simon directly: - 07731639980 -


Naming Items in school

Please ensure any items brought into school are named so they can be returned to your child if misplaced.  This includes uniform, water bottles, snack and lunch boxes, etc.


Are you eligible for Free School Meals?

Do you know if you are eligible for Free School Meals and other support?  To find out more, please click here to be redirected to our website.


Key information

Don't forget to check our School News, by visiting: and click on the ‘News’ tab.  Alternatively, you can click on the ‘News’ tab on the App.  


Throughout the week lots of different organisations share their news and local activities.  These have been saved to 'Our Community' tab on our website and App.


If you are not set up on the e-schools App, and would like to, please email for assistance


Dates to remember this term

Below are some key dates for this half term. Next week we will be adding all key dates for the academic year to the website calendar. In the meantime, you can find term dates here and teacher led club dates here.

16/9/22                Autumn Class Curriculum Newsletter to parents on SeeSaw

26/9/22                Online Safety Week

27/9/22                Meet the Teacher Meetings

13/10/22              Parents in for Learning Together Time (2-3pm)

18/10/22              Harvest Festival in church at 2pm

20/10/22              Break up from school

21/10 - 28/10     Half Term

21/10/22              INSET – Safeguarding

2/11/22                Open Morning (Reception 2023)

8/11/22                Parents’ Evening 3.30-5.00 and 5.30-6.30 face to face

9/11/22                Parents’ Evening 3.30-5.00 and 5.30-6.30 face to face

17/11/22              Open Morning (Reception 2023)

5/12/22                Christmas Play Dress Rehearsal

6/12/22                Christmas Performances KS1 9-10, KS2 10.30-11.30, Rec 2-3

7/12/22                Christmas Performances Rec 9-10, KS1 2-3, KS2 6-7

13/12/22              Christingle Service in church 2pm

16/12/22              Christmas Party Day / Break up for Christmas Holidays

Friends of Alveston dates will be listed in the calendar, as soon as we have them. 
To view our calendar with more information and dates, please click here.
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