Stratford District Children & Family Centre April Timetable

Our Community

Hello from Stratford District Children & Family Centre,

We have been enjoying welcoming families back for our courses and play sessions at our Centres.  We continue to offer Baby Massage, Baby Chatter Matters courses, alongside Baby Time and Let’s Play.  Booking is essential for all the sessions to keep numbers small and in line with government guidelines. 

Check out our virtual sessions on Facebook for families who may not be able to or are not quite ready to return to the Centre’s.


Follow us on Facebook: @Stratfordchildrenscentres


Please find attached our April timetable.


If you would like your families to join in any of these activities, please encourage them to contact their local Centre to be added to our waiting lists.


Alcester:- 01789 764 093 /

Stratford & Shipston:- 01789 266 624 /

Lighthorne Heath & Southam:- 01926 691 105 /



Alternatively, please find attached our Request for Service form that you can fill out on behalf of the family and return to the Centre. 


We thank you for signposting to our services and if you can continue to display our timetable on your Social media platforms, notice boards and Newsletters, we would appreciate your support.


Kind regards

Sara Phillips

Admin Assistant, Lighthorne Heath Children & Family Centre

Tel: 01926 691105

Working days: Monday - Wednesday’s  9am – 5pm


 Follow us on Facebook:@Stratfordchildrenscentres

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