Reception Class - People Who Help Us


9th May 2024

People Who Help Us
Reception class are so lucky this half term. Our topic is People Who Help Us and we are having so many visitors to help us with our learning. We are learning how to ask questions and to listen carefully to information.

Kate, our school nurse from Connect For Health, came to see the children to tell them about her job. She also discussed healthy eating, oral health and personal hygiene. We met her teddy, Ben, and helped to organise a healthy picnic.

Steve, from Pentagon Play, came to talk about his role of building and designing play equipment, including the new equipment on our playground. The children wore high-vis vests and builder’s hats. They showed Steve how they use the new playground equipment and asked lots of great questions.

Mrs Burvill came back to Alveston to talk about her role as a Beekeeper. She explained how important bees are to us and showed us a special machine called a smoker to help keep the bees calm. She also gave us honey to taste and we tried this on bread. It was delicious!

Finally, Mr Kalinski (Zak in Reception’s Dad), and the team from Wellesbourne Fire Station, came to visit Reception class. They told the children about their job and what you should do if you see a fire. We tried on uniform, explored the fire engine and got to sit in the back of it!
Mrs Rogers
Reception Class teacher
Healthy Schools 2020
360 ES Mark
Artsmark Gold Award